In this weeks #AskRADIdeas show we are talking about what method of communication is best and how often?
Communication Strategy
Using church communications to reach your community
Church communications have the potential to help you reach your community in incredible ways. This one thing can be the difference between success and failure in your communications.

Print vs Digital Bulletins What’s the Big Deal
It seems like every church communicator has an opinion on the printed church bulletin.
If you’re considering a change or wondering how to transition, this edition of #AskRADIdeas is for you.
How to Reach Multiple Generations with Your Communications
Time is short, resources are tight and you want to get as much reach as possible from your church promotions.
So how do you reach multiple generations to get the response the desire?

How do I inspire people to participate?
Question: How do I inspire people to participate? Answer: At our core, we want to know that our life matters. That what we're part of is worth our time and it adds value to our lives. Our listeners are no different. To inspire them to participate they need to see we...
Simple way to reach people without “selling” your church
In Matthew 4:19, Jesus calls us to fish for people.
Doing that requires two things:
1) Knowing who we are trying to REACH
2) What ISSUES they are facing
Here’s how to accomplish that with our church communications.
Get Started Today!
Schedule a Call
We connect about your mission, marketing challenges, and goals.
Simplify Your Messaging
We complete a strategy session to assess and simplify your messaging.
Grow You Organization
Watch your audience engage and giving grow as you share with clarity.