Looking for a list of top church communication resources and thought leaders?
You’ve come to the right spot. Here’s my growing list of people and organizations speaking into the church.

Looking for a list of top church communication resources and thought leaders?
You’ve come to the right spot. Here’s my growing list of people and organizations speaking into the church.
As funny as they can be, typos in church communications can be a real challenge. They distract from the message we are trying to convey and can ruin the context completely.
But proof reading has its limits. We’re human and sometimes typos get missed.
Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to reduce the possibility.
You’ve spent time designing a promotion, and it’s nearly perfect. But, you just realized each ministry needs the ability to include their own piece of information in the design.
You don’t want to lose the visual consistency of the project or the branding, but you need a way to allow for changes. Some way to create a template that can be easily changed by the ministry leader, without changing the design.
You have a church event to promote, and you’re stuck. The leader wants a graphic for Sunday Slideshow, Facebook image, Sunday program and you’re just trying to get through the day.
You didn’t go to school for design, but the responsibility is on your shoulders. What can you do?
On this episode of #AskRADIdeas we talk Church Newsletters and Using Email.
Nancy asked: Do church newsletters still work and if not, what is replacing them?
Newsletters are still working for some, but not all churches.
The ones that are having success spend the majority of their time….
It seems like every church communicator has an opinion on the printed church bulletin.
If you’re considering a change or wondering how to transition, this edition of #AskRADIdeas is for you.
We connect about your mission, marketing challenges, and goals.
We complete a strategy session to assess and simplify your messaging.
Watch your audience engage and giving grow as you share with clarity.