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Communication Strategy

Simple steps to make your church communications better

Simple steps to make your church communications better

About once a year I run a Church Communication Survey. Hoping to learn what communication challenges are affecting the local church.

While the survey confirmed some things for me, what was most interesting was the response I got from the email.

Within moments of hitting send, I had emails in my inbox. Church leaders asking for information about how to develop a strategy and get better traction.

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Print: Budget Friendly Ways to Get Your Church Message Seen

Print: Budget Friendly Ways to Get Your Church Message Seen

In the past couple months, we’ve been discussing budget friendly ways to share your churches story.

Today I’d like to dive into the topic of print.

For many churches, print has been the sole means of sharing for decades. The trusty bulletin has held a treasure trove of weekly events, Bible studies and church family news.

As time has progressed, the effectiveness of the bulletin has changed. Many church attenders are too busy for the bulletin to be the only source of information. They expect…

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Email: How to reach your church through their INBOX

Email: How to reach your church through their INBOX

Let’s face it, there is nothing glamorous about email. For many, it is a necessary evil that invades our space with info we’d rather ignore.

But, done well, email gives churches a way to tell their story in a user-friendly way that members are already engaged with.

The question is how do we do it well? What steps can we take to keep cost low and deliver a quality email people want to open and read?

We need to understand…

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