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3 Ways Video Can Help Attract And Retain Guests

3 Ways Video Can Help Attract And Retain Guests

Video Facilitates Connection

One pastor I was consulting told me about a man who came up to him after the service. This man excitedly announced, “I really feel like I know you.” The pastor replied, “Really, how long have you been attending.” To which the man answered, “Oh, this is my first time, but I have seen all your videos on your website and now I feel like I am at home.”

A video ministry is more than just some funny videos we show before the sermon or some reminders about the church picnic. Video is a powerful tool to connect people to the heart, culture, and mission of your church.

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What Story Are Your Promotions Telling

What Story Are Your Promotions Telling

We live in an age of storytelling. From books and movies to television and magazines, stories are all around us. Some connect and move us emotionally, while others leave us unmoved.

Think of the emotions you felt during Carl’s life story montage in UP!

Or the sense of excitement and uncertainty as Bilbo leaves the Shire to begin his adventure in The Hobbit.

The best stories all have something in common…

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